--DROP TABLE CAR_DEALER_SCHEME; -- Create table create table CAR_DEALER_SCHEME ( the_year VARCHAR2(4), the_month VARCHAR2(2), car_dealer_code VARCHAR2(20), man_hour_price VARCHAR2(200 CHAR), part_price VARCHAR2(200 CHAR), claim_support VARCHAR2(200 CHAR), scheme VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR), is_qualified CHAR(2) ) tablespace CAR_DEALER pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Add comments to the table comment on table CAR_DEALER_SCHEME is '车商方案表'; -- Add comments to the columns comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.the_year is '年份'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.the_month is '月份'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.car_dealer_code is '车商代码'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.man_hour_price is '工时标准'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.part_price is '配件价格'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.claim_support is '其他理赔支持'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.scheme is '营销活动方案'; comment on column CAR_DEALER_SCHEME.is_qualified is '是否达成预期'; -- Create/Recreate indexes create index CAR_DEALER_SCHEME_IDX on CAR_DEALER_SCHEME (THE_YEAR, THE_MONTH, CAR_DEALER_CODE) tablespace CAR_DEALER_IDX pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Grant/Revoke object privileges grant select on CAR_DEALER_SCHEME to DATACENTER;