#include #include #include //#include //#include "StringCodeConverter.h" #include "SystemDataQuery.h" //using namespace libxl; using namespace std; #pragma comment( lib, "user32.lib") #pragma comment( lib, "version.lib") #pragma comment( lib, "oleaut32.lib") #pragma comment( lib, "ole32.lib") #pragma comment( lib, "libxl.lib") #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment( lib, "sqlapisd.lib") #else #pragma comment( lib, "sqlapis.lib") #endif const char g_cszConnectStringIDS6[] = "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" "SERVICE=16191;" "SERVER=xmcx1;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=ids6;" "DB_LOCALE=en_US.819;"; const static char g_szUserNameIDS6[] = "ccx99"; const static char g_szPasswordIDS6[] = "c91IT09"; const static char g_cszConnectStringIDSt0[] = "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" "SERVICE=16193;" "SERVER=xmcx3;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=idst0;" "DB_LOCALE=en_US.819;"; const static char g_szUserNameIDSt0[] = "ccx99"; const static char g_szPasswordIDSt0[] = "c93IT09"; const static char g_cszConnstringYwgl[] = "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" "SERVICE=16192;" "SERVER=xmcx2;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=ywgl_xm;" "DB_LOCALE=en_US.819;"; const static char g_cszUserNameYwgl[] = "ccx99"; const static char g_cszPasswordYwgl[] = "c92IT09"; void query_user_info(const string & strCode, string & strName, string & strPassword) { SAConnection conn; SACommand command; string strCommand( "select rymc, rymm from rydm where rydm='" ); strCommand += strCode; strCommand += "'"; command.setConnection( &conn ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); try { conn.Connect( g_cszConnstringYwgl, g_cszUserNameYwgl, g_cszPasswordYwgl, SA_Informix_Client ); command.Execute(); } catch ( SAException &error ) { //SAString strError = error.ErrText(); throw runtime_error( error.ErrText() ); } if ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { //名字 SAString sastrResult = command.Field("rymc").asString(); sastrResult.TrimRight(); strName = (const char *)sastrResult; //密码 sastrResult = command.Field("rymm").asString(); sastrResult.TrimRight(); strPassword = (const char *)sastrResult; } conn.Disconnect(); } void query_staff_info(const string & strOperatorCode, string & strOperatorName, string & strDeptCode, string & strDeptName, string & strOfficeCode, string & strOfficeName) { SAConnection connection; SACommand command; if ( strOperatorCode.size() == 0 ) { return; } string strCommand = "select a.staff_name, " " b.department_code, " " b.department_name, " " c.section_office_c01, " " c.section_office_n01 " "from rydm_t a, bm_t b, ks_t c " "where a.department_code = b.department_code " " and a.section_office_c01 = c.section_office_c01 " " and a.staff_code = '"; strCommand.append( strOperatorCode ); strCommand.append( "'" ); try { connection.Connect( g_cszConnectStringIDSt0, g_szUserNameIDSt0, g_szPasswordIDSt0, SA_Informix_Client ); command.setConnection( &connection ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); command.Execute(); if ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { strOperatorName = (const char *)( command.Field( "staff_name").asString() ); strDeptCode = (const char *)( command.Field( "department_code").asString() ); strDeptName = (const char *)( command.Field( "department_name").asString() ); strOfficeCode = (const char *)( command.Field( "section_office_c01").asString() ); strOfficeName = (const char *)( command.Field( "section_office_n01").asString() ); } connection.Disconnect(); } catch ( SAException & sqlError ) { runtime_error error( sqlError.ErrText() ); throw error; } } void query_auto_trader_info(const string & strAutoTraderCode, string & strAutoTraderName) { SAConnection connection; SACommand command; string strCommand = "select name " " from shop_code_t " " where code = '"; strCommand.append( strAutoTraderCode ); strCommand.append( "'" ); try { connection.Connect( g_cszConnectStringIDSt0, g_szUserNameIDSt0, g_szPasswordIDSt0, SA_Informix_Client ); command.setConnection( &connection ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); command.Execute(); if ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { strAutoTraderName = (const char *)( command.Field( "name").asString() ); } connection.Disconnect(); } catch ( SAException & sqlError ) { runtime_error error( sqlError.ErrText() ); throw error; } }