#include "TelSalePolicyManager.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace StringCodeConverter; #ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif const char g_cszConnectStringIDS6[] = "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" "SERVICE=16191;" "SERVER=xmcx1;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=ids6;" "DB_LOCALE=en_US.819;"; const static char g_szUserNameIDS6[] = "ccx99"; const static char g_szPasswordIDS6[] = "c91IT09"; const static char g_cszConnstringYwgl[] = "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" "SERVICE=16192;" "SERVER=xmcx2;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=ywgl_xm;" "DB_LOCALE=en_US.819;"; const static char g_cszUserNameYwgl[] = "ccx99"; const static char g_cszPasswordYwgl[] = "c92IT09"; CTelSalePolicyManager::CTelSalePolicyManager(void) { } CTelSalePolicyManager::~CTelSalePolicyManager(void) { } void CTelSalePolicyManager::Query( SPolicyQuery &policy, std::vector &vPolicy ) { SAConnection conn; SACommand command; //生成查询字符串 string strCommand; strCommand.reserve( 1024 ); strCommand.append( "select bdh, zhjywy, to_char(czrq, '%Y年%m月%d日') from w_dxbd_i where 1=1 and czrq >='" ); strCommand += policy.strStartDate; strCommand += "' and czrq <= '"; strCommand += policy.strEndDate; strCommand += "'"; if ( policy.strPolicySerial.empty() == false ) { strCommand += " and bdh = '"; strCommand += policy.strPolicySerial; strCommand += "'"; } if ( policy.strSalerCode.empty() == false ) { strCommand += " and zhjywy = '"; strCommand += policy.strSalerCode; strCommand += "'"; } if ( policy.strPlateSerial.empty() == false ) { strCommand += " and chph = '"; strCommand += policy.strPlateSerial; strCommand += "'"; } if ( policy.strFrameSerial.empty() == false ) { strCommand += " and chjh = '"; strCommand += policy.strFrameSerial; strCommand += "'"; } if ( policy.strEngineSerial.empty() == false ) { strCommand += " and fdjh = '"; strCommand += policy.strEngineSerial; strCommand += "'"; } command.setConnection( &conn ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); try { conn.Connect( g_cszConnstringYwgl, g_cszUserNameYwgl, g_cszPasswordYwgl, SA_Informix_Client ); command.Execute(); } catch ( SAException &error ) { string strError = error.ErrText(); throw strError; } while ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { SPolicyRecord policyQuery; SAString strCol = command.Field( 1 ).asString(); strCol.TrimRight(); policyQuery.strPolicySerial = strCol; strCol = command.Field( 2 ).asString(); strCol.TrimRight(); policyQuery.strSalerCode = strCol; strCol = (SAString)command.Field( 3 ).asString(); strCol.TrimRight(); policyQuery.strOperatorDate = strCol; vPolicy.push_back( policyQuery ); } conn.Disconnect(); } string QueryOperatorName( string strOperatorCode ) { SAConnection conn; SACommand command; string strCommand( "select rymc from rydm where rydm='" ); string strResult; strCommand += strOperatorCode; strCommand += "'"; command.setConnection( &conn ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); try { conn.Connect( "DRIVER={};" "PROTOCOL=onsoctcp;" // protocol in lower case "SERVICE=7777;" "SERVER=xmtb1;" "HOST=;" "DATABASE=datacenter;", "ccxuser", "ccx99", SA_Informix_Client ); command.Execute(); } catch ( SAException &error ) { SAString strError = error.ErrText(); } if ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { SAString sastrResult = command.Field("rymc").asString(); sastrResult.TrimRight(); strResult = (const char *)sastrResult; } conn.Disconnect(); return strResult; } void QueryOperatorInfo( const string & cstrOperatorCode, string & strOperatorName, string & strDeptCode, string & strDeptName ) { SAConnection connection; SACommand command; string strCommand = "select a.staff_name, " " a.department_code," " b.department_name " "from rydm_t a, bm_t b " "where a.department_code = b.department_code " "and a.staff_code = '"; strCommand.append( cstrOperatorCode ); strCommand.append( "'" ); try { connection.Connect( g_cszConnectStringIDS6, g_szUserNameIDS6, g_szPasswordIDS6, SA_Informix_Client ); command.setConnection( &connection ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); command.Execute(); if ( command.FetchNext() == true ) { strOperatorName = (const char *)( command.Field( "staff_name").asString() ); strDeptCode = (const char *)( command.Field( "department_code").asString() ); strDeptName = (const char *)( command.Field( "department_name").asString() ); } connection.Disconnect(); } catch ( SAException & sqlError ) { runtime_error error( sqlError.ErrText() ); throw error; } } void CTelSalePolicyManager::SavePolicy( const SPolicyRecord & policy, const vector giftList ) { if ( policy.strPolicySerial.empty() == true ) { throw invalid_argument( "保单号为空!" ); } if ( policy.strSalerCode.empty() == true ) { throw invalid_argument( "保单号为空!" ); } ostringstream ostrCommand; string strAutotraderCall; //车店联呼 if ( policy.bIsAutotraderCall == true ) { strAutotraderCall = "1"; } else { strAutotraderCall = "0"; } ostrCommand << "insert into w_dxbd_i ( khjl, khjllx, bdh, zhjywy, zhjywymc, zhjywybm, zhjywybmm, czydm, czrq , chdlh, khmc, chph, chjh, fdjh ) " "values( 0, 0, " << "'" << policy.strPolicySerial << "', " << "'" << policy.strSalerCode << "', " << "'" << policy.strSalerName << "', " << "'" << policy.strSalerDeptCode << "', " << "'" << policy.strSalerDeptName << "', " << "'" << policy.strOperatorCode << "', " << "'" << policy.strOperatorDate << "', " << "'" << strAutotraderCall << "'"; if ( policy.strCustomerName.empty() == false ) { ostrCommand << ", '" << policy.strCustomerName << "'"; } else { ostrCommand << ", NULL"; } if ( policy.strPlateSerial.empty() == false ) { ostrCommand << ", '" << policy.strPlateSerial << "'"; } else { ostrCommand << ", NULL"; } if ( policy.strFrameSerial.empty() == false ) { ostrCommand << ", '" << policy.strFrameSerial << "'"; } else { ostrCommand << ", NULL"; } if ( policy.strEngineSerial.empty() == false ) { ostrCommand << ", '" << policy.strEngineSerial << "'"; } else { ostrCommand << ", NULL"; } ostrCommand << " )"; string strCommand = ostrCommand.str(); SAConnection conn; SACommand command; command.setConnection( &conn ); command.setCommandText( strCommand.c_str() ); try { conn.Connect( g_cszConnstringYwgl, g_cszUserNameYwgl, g_cszPasswordYwgl, SA_Informix_Client ); //conn.setAutoCommit( SA_AutoCommitOff ); //导致锁表 //保存保单 command.Execute(); //保存礼品列表,先删除旧数据 command.setCommandText( "delete w_dxbd_gift_i where bdh = :1 " ); command.Param( 1 ).setAsString() = policy.strPolicySerial.c_str(); command.Execute(); command.setCommandText( "insert into w_dxbd_gift_i ( bdh, gift_name, gift_price ) values ( :1, :2, :3 )" ); for ( vector::const_iterator iter = giftList.begin(); iter != giftList.end(); ++iter ) { command.Param( 1 ).setAsString() = policy.strPolicySerial.c_str(); command.Param( 2 ).setAsString() = iter->GiftName().c_str(); command.Param( 3 ).setAsString() = iter->GiftDefaultPrice().c_str(); command.Execute(); } conn.Commit(); } catch ( SAException &error ) { conn.Rollback(); conn.Disconnect(); throw runtime_error( error.ErrText() ); } conn.Disconnect(); } void CTelSalePolicyManager::LoadFromExcelFile( const char *pcszFilePath, vector< SPolicyRecord > *pvPolicy ) { if ( pvPolicy == NULL ) { return; } wchar_t pwszFilePath[1024]; mbs2unicode( pcszFilePath, pwszFilePath ); IBookT *pBookPolicy = xlCreateXMLBookW(); if ( pBookPolicy == NULL ) { return; } if ( !(pBookPolicy->load( pwszFilePath )) ) { const char *pcszError = pBookPolicy->errorMessage(); pBookPolicy->release(); } ISheetT *pSheet = pBookPolicy->getSheet( 0 ); if ( pSheet == NULL ) { pBookPolicy->release(); return; } int iStartRow = pSheet->firstRow(); int iEndROw = pSheet->lastRow(); for ( iStartRow++; iStartRow <= iEndROw; iStartRow++ ) { SPolicyRecord policy; policy.strPolicySerial = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 0 ); if ( policy.strPolicySerial.empty() == true ) { iStartRow++; continue; } policy.strSalerCode = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 1 ); policy.strCustomerName = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 2 ); policy.strPlateSerial = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 3 ); policy.strFrameSerial = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 4 ); policy.strEngineSerial = getCellString( pSheet, iStartRow, 5 ); pvPolicy->push_back( policy ); } pBookPolicy->release(); } void CTelSalePolicyManager::SavePolicyGift( const string & strPolicyNo, const vector & giftsList ) { if ( strPolicyNo.empty() ) { throw invalid_argument( "strPolicyNo" ); } if ( giftsList.empty() ) { throw invalid_argument( "礼品列表为空!" ); } SAConnection conn; SACommand command; command.setConnection( &conn ); command.setCommandText( "insert into w_dxbd_gift_i ( bdh, gift_name, gift_price ) values ( :1, :2, :3 )" ); try { conn.Connect( g_cszConnstringYwgl, g_cszUserNameYwgl, g_cszPasswordYwgl, SA_Informix_Client ); for ( vector::const_iterator iter = giftsList.begin(); iter != giftsList.end(); ++iter ) { command.Param( 1 ).setAsString() = strPolicyNo.c_str(); command.Param( 2 ).setAsString() = iter->GiftName().c_str(); command.Param( 3 ).setAsString() = iter->GiftDefaultPrice().c_str(); command.Execute(); } } catch ( SAException &error ) { throw runtime_error( error.ErrText() ); } conn.Disconnect(); } string getCellString( ISheetT *pSheet, int iRowIndex, int iColIndex ) { if ( pSheet == NULL ) { return NULL; } string strCell; int iCellValue; const char *pcszBuffer = NULL; char pszNumber[100]; CellType celltype = pSheet->cellType( iRowIndex, iColIndex ); switch ( celltype ) { case CELLTYPE_STRING: //字符串 strCell = unicode2mbs( pSheet->readStr( iRowIndex, iColIndex ) ); break; case CELLTYPE_NUMBER: //数字 iCellValue = pSheet->readNum( iRowIndex, iColIndex ); sprintf( pszNumber,"%d", iCellValue ); strCell = pszNumber; break; } return strCell; } void queryTelsalePolicyGifts( vector &giftList ) { SAConnection connection; SACommand command; string strSQL = "select id, trim(name), default_price from w_dx_gifts"; command.setConnection( &connection ); command.setCommandText( strSQL.c_str() ); try { connection.Connect( g_cszConnstringYwgl, g_cszUserNameYwgl, g_cszPasswordYwgl, SA_Informix_Client ); command.Execute(); } catch ( SAException &error ) { throw runtime_error( error.ErrText() ); } while ( command.FetchNext() ) { TelSalePolicyGift gift; gift.Id( command.Field(1).asLong() ); gift.GiftName( (const char *)(command.Field(2).asString()) ); gift.GiftDefaultPrice( (const char *)(command.Field(3).asString()) ); giftList.push_back( gift ); } connection.Disconnect(); }